Pack de pegatinas Más gustados de 2024
Parece que 2024 fue un año raro para mucha gente. Al menos eso es lo que deducimos del surtido aleatorio de pegatinas expresivas que os han gustado a todos. Y ahora que el año ha terminado, estamos listos para presentar los "Stickers Más Gustados de 2024" que parecen caer todos bajo un recurrente tema 'complicado'.
Es Complicado
¿Qué es complicado? Más bien, ¿qué no lo es? La vida, el amor, la carga emocional, construir una máquina para separar bolos impulsada por hámsters con ruedas y este paquete de pegatinas. Todas cosas complicadas para las que no tenemos respuestas. Y estas pegatinas de 2024 resumen muy bien algunos de estos complicados sentimientos.

Conoce a los artistas
Pedimos a los artistas de las pegatinas que más gustaron de 2024 que nos dieran algo de contexto en torno a su pegatina "it's complicated" y esto es lo que dijeron:

Love is messy, addictive, and sometimes impossible to quit- kind of likeeee the things we know we shouldn't want but just can't resist. This sticker is for those who know that some bad habits are just too good to quit.
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Holográfico mate

Aging is tough: endless phone calls, no more sleeping in, chia seeds, signing off with "kind regards" in emails, assembling IKEA furniture... but we can also choose to hop on a skateboard and shout : "Not too old for this shit!"
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Espejo mate

Unpacking why some random dude thinks his comfort is entitled to my facial expression is hella complicated.
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Pixie Dust

Everything you’ve been wanting to say is written in these sweethearts. Eat my ass! Or don’t. I’m not gonna tell you what to do.
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Vinilo mate

@HoldingSpace.co @TherapyJeff
As a therapist, this sticker serves as a reminder that mental health requires tuning into the complexities of our emotions.
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Breakups are messy. Capturing the chaos of drunk rage, self-distraction, and bittersweet humor.
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2024 was definitely a complicated year for me. Death, sorrow, I felt like I drowned. Sarcasm heals my mental health, and this particular design is a very good sample of how I handled emotions this year. Badly, but still there, and sparkly.
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Holográfico Mate

Setting your boundaries that if someone in your life doesn’t spark joy then they should fuck right off is messy and complicated!
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Compartmentalization can help, but like canned fish, it has an expiration date!
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Aluminio cepillado

Smile Now, Cry Later is based on the classic tattoo design with the dual masks of comedy & tragedy. To me this design means enjoy the good times while they are here. There are no guarantees in life.
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Vinilo mate

The Gay Uno Reverse was created because all of us are terrible at taking compliments. But it doesn't have to be complicated if you can simply say Yes, And You Too!
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No se lo pierda
¿Exclusiva? Por supuesto. Este paquete de pegatinas es una edición limitada, así que hazte con el tuyo mientras puedas.