Personalizados Pegatinas Reflectantes

5 de 2,154 reseñas

La seguridad se encuentra con el estilo. Sé creativo con diseños y obras de arte reflectantes. Diseñado para uso exterior, este material de vinilo reflectante puede resistir condiciones climáticas difíciles y dura hasta 7 años. Asegurado para ser visible incluso en condiciones de poca luz.

Yellow cheese icon with black outline

Efecto llamativo

Aumenta la visibilidad al instante

Yellow cheese icon with black outline


Resistente a la intemperie hasta 7 años

Yellow cheese icon with black outline

Reflexión retro

Brilla intensamente desde todos los ángulos

Haz calcomanías reflectantes

Edita tus calcomanías en nuestro creador de calcomanías. Usa colores de diseño brillantes para un máximo efecto reflectante.






Mantente visible, sé reflectante

Nuestro material reflectante no solo se trata de ser práctico; se trata de destacar. Desde diseños elegantes y modernos hasta peculiares y divertidos, nuestras pegatinas reflectantes te permiten dejar tu marca de una manera que llama la atención tanto de día como de noche.

Recubiertas con un rendimiento reflectante de perlas de vidrio superior para uso comercial y del consumidor.

Nuestro vinilo reflectante brilla más en la oscuridad, desde el anochecer hasta el amanecer y durante condiciones climáticas adversas.
Ya sea por seguridad práctica, diseño creativo o fines promocionales, nuestras pegatinas reflectantes son la manera definitiva de brillar.

Cargo bike on concrete with lit up reflective stickers.

Combina seguridad con estilo

Tanto si quieres marcar tendencia como si eres un entusiasta de la seguridad y quieres que te vean, nuestras pegatinas ofrecen la combinación perfecta de funcionalidad y estilo.

Agrega una capa de seguridad a tu bicicleta, casco o equipo de correr, asegurándote de estar siempre visible en esas aventuras temprano en la mañana o tarde en la noche. Asegúrate de destacar, de día o de noche, utilizando las propiedades retro-reflectantes de nuestras pegatinas de alta calidad.

Las marcas que adoran StickerApp

  1. "We have been using StickerApp for a few years and have been happy customers ever since. Their service and products are easy to use, fast, and of high quality."

  2. "With Stickerapp we have found the right partner to take our storytelling to the next level. With the high-quality sticker sets for our AHEAD collection we were able to create a highly emotional and exciting product together. Individuality and freedom reflect the values ​​of the AHEAD road trip. Many thanks to StickerApp. We look forward to further joint projects."

  3. "StickerApp is a perfect match for us with all the different materials, short lead times, efficient customer support and the fact that we can control cutlines directly in our original file etc. We both print stickers that we sell on our site as merch as well as beer labels for for some of our small batch exclusive beers."

  4. "Being an animator, there's nothing more important than being able to produce products of my characters that people are able to take home. It increases the love between the viewer and the art. StickerApp has helped me do exactly that with high-quality, creative, and colorful stickers that re-imagine how my 2D cartoon characters interact with this 3D world."

  5. "The outstanding quality and extensive range of materials and printing techniques offered by StickerApp are both inspiring and enjoyable. The website is user-friendly, making it effortless to create and order stickers."

  6. "StickerApp has been our GO-TO for 3+ years! We are a monthly sticker subscription and order thousands of stickers monthly. After testing 20+ different print shops, we found StickerApp to be hands down the best quality stickers, amazing customer support and very fast shipping times worldwide. Happy to have StickerApp as our official producer of Sticker Savages stickers!"

    Sticker Savages
  7. "We've appreciated using StickerApp for its easy to use design tools, speed, and quality of service. Anytime we've had a question or need to make an adjustment, StickerApp has had great customer service to back up their products."

    Bedrocks Sandals
  8. "We have been using sticker app for a couple years to create fun extras for our packages. Our customers LOVE receiving our sticker and have started collaging them on their water bottles and computers! It’s an extra fun perk to opening an order from us."

    Beckie With The Good Stuff
  9. "We have been using sticker app for over a year now and have had nothing but a great experience! The customization process through their website is super user friendly. They provide a variety of stickers to meet all of our business needs! Our stickers always arrive on-time and the quality always meets our expectations!"

    Fieldcraft Survival
  10. Crooked moon brewing logo

    StickerApp consistently offers outstanding service and product quality while creating unique products, even if it means taking risks. They provide comprehensive solutions, including labels, stickers, and graphic consulting. This is why we, Daniel Torisson and Jacob Pedersen, founders of Crooked Moon Brewing, collaborate with StickerApp.

    Crooked Moon Brewing

Bueno saber sobre el material Reflectante

  • Construcción especial de PVC fundido

  • Impresión a todo color, CMYK

  • Hasta 7 años de vida al aire libre

  • Rendimiento reflectante superior de perlas de vidrio

  • Colores claros para un efecto máximo